Submit Application
Program has been in place for at least one year?
Review Standards and Candidate Checklist. Standards met?
| NO
Prepare to meet accreditation requirements. Apply when standards are met.
PHASE 1 starts.
Auditors are assigned.
Site Auditor sends Phase 1 introduction letter.
Auditors review posted website documents and curriculum.
Review completed in 2 weeks.
Phase 1 Result Letter sent in 2 weeks.
Candidate has 30 days from Phase 1 result to complete all Core Standards.
Standards complete?
Schedule Site Visit. Site visit must be completed within 6 weeks from Start Date.
PHASE 3 starts.
CMIE Commission reviews and approves, or sends letter of requirements to be completed within 30 days.
SA and CA review all documents including SA Worksheet.
Report completed and submitted to CMIE Commission within 2 weeks of site visit.
Post-site visit letter sent by SA to the candidate within 1 week of site visit.
PHASE 2 starts.
SITE VISIT conducted.
Candidate submits requirements within 30 days.
Program meets accreditation requirements.
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Program not accredited.
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