What are the requirements to meet body fat standards?
Male (% of body fat):20%
Female(%of body fat): 30%
Ages: 21-27
Male: 22%
Ages: 28-39
Male: 22%
Ages:40 and up
Male: 26%
Female: 36%
Who can measure a soldier?
Trained individuals of the same gender. If a trained individual of the same gender is not available, a femal soldier will be present when a male measures a female, and a male soldier will be present when a female measures a male.
How does an individual tape a soldier?
Units may track height and weight on the DA Form 705(APFT Scorecard) and on the DA Form 5500 (Body Fat Assessment Worksheet-Male) or DA Form 5501 (female)
Find the circumference value and height in inches. The percent body fat is the value that intercepts with circumference value and height in inches.
How does an individual determine percentage of body fat?
(neck) measure neck circumference at a point below the larynx. the soldier should look straight ahead.
measure abdominal circumference to the nearest half inch
Measure neck circumference just below the larynx. the soldier should look straight ahead.
measure waist circumference against the skin at the point of minimal abdominal circumference.
measure hip circumference while facing soldier's right side by placing tape around the hips so that it passes over the grreatest protrusion of the buttocks.
Are you an exemption to the body fat standards?
Exemptions are soldiers with major limb loss, pregnant and postpartum, soldiers who have been hospitalized for 30 continuous days or greater, new recruits to active service, and soldiers on established continued on active duty/or active reserve status.
You do not have to meet the standard.
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You must meet the body fat standard.
Did you meet height and weight?
Did you meet tape?
You have met the body fat standards.
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The commander has 3 working days to flag the soldier and 2 working days from initiation from of flag to counsel and enroll the soldier in the ABCP. The soldier must acknowledge enrollemnt by memorandum to the commander within 2 working days of notification.
The soldier must read the online U.S. Army Public Healthe Command Technical Guide 358 within 14 days of enrollment and schedule an appointment with a health care provider.
The soldier must complete and return their Soldier Action Plan to the commander within 14 days of the notification counseling.
The soldier must meet with a dietitian or health care provider within 30 days of enrollment in the ABCP, bring a copy of the commander's request for nutrition counseling and Soldier Action Plan to the dietitian for review, and provide the commande a memo signed by the dietitian verifying the counseling took place.
The soldier must meet body fat standards before being released from the ABCP.
The soldier or commander can request a medical exam if there is reason to believe that the soldier has a medical condition that may conflict with meeting the standards.
The soldier must participate in unit monthly ABCP assessments to document their progress.
During enrollment, the soldier will be provided exercise guidance by the unit master fitness trainer or unit fitness NCO, nutrition counseling by registered dietitian or health care provider, and assistance in behavioral modification.
Did the soldier complete all of the required steps?
A soldier has failed the program if they show less than satisfactory progresson 2 consecutive monthly ABCP assessments or after 6 months in the program, still exceeds body fat standards. Satisfactory progress is a monthly weight loss of 3-8lbs or 1%body fat.
If the soldier has failed the program, the commander will request a medical evaluation to determine if a medical condition hinders the soldier from meeting the standards.
If the soldier has a medical condition, they have 6 months to undergo treatment to resolve the condition. During this time they will remain on the program but will not be penalized for not making progress. Once it is resolved, the soldier will have to meet body fat standards.
If the soldier has no medical condition, a bar to reenlist or involuntary separation will be initiated.
The soldier must complete the steps or adverse action will be initiated.