PhilosophyTOK presentation summary
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Gives a summary of a TOK presentation for school

The NSA (National Surveillance Agency) surveillance act 2001
Ethical checks and balances - the law - just because something is legal, does it make it ethically or morally correct?

Knowledge issue: ethics
Self-interest - is often a justification for breaking moral codes
Reason - defined as cause, justification and explanation
Reason vs. Emotion - A professor named Antonio Damasio argues that reason is often directed by emotion

Consequentialism - judging whether an action is good or bad on its outcome, rather than their intentions
Consequences of the NSA surveillance act: many lawsuits were filed, war on terror, social unrest in the US
The consequences of the act had a negative impact = morally incorrect

Deontology - duty-based ethics, which essentially focusses on the intentions rather than the consequences of the surveillance act
Kant - if someone acted because it was their duty to do so, then they are acting in a morally correct manner
Since George Bush thought it was his duty to increase national security and protect the people of the United States, therefore his actions were morally correct