AdviceSMART W Code Process
A Flowchart by eglick
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Process for W-Code Accounts

Account is a 407 Account. Does client have a 407 letter?



New Accounts W/E code
Prompt Reminder given on SMART screen to send 407 letter to Compliance with instruction to W/E code.
Upload 407(b) letter. "Add Document." New Accounts codes the account W or E.

Compliance checks queue daily.
Account populates in W/E code Compliance queue with necessary 407 letter information.
Has the contra firm requested duplicate statements and confirmations?



Compliance issues 407(b) letter "A" to contra-firm; compliance sends copy of letter to Imaging to scan into Metaviewer.
New Accounts adds duplicate statements and confirmations.
Compliance checks queue daily.
Account populates in W/E code compliance queue with necessary 407(b) letter information.

W/E Code Queue: Add notes. Compliance adds the date that the 407(b) letter is sent.
Account populates in W/E code compliance queue with necessary 407(b) letter information.
Compliance checks queue daily.
Compliance issues 407(b) letter "C" to contra-firm; compliance sends copy of letter to Imaging to scan into Metaviewer.

Compliance issues 407(b) letter "B" to contra-firm; compliance sends copy of letter to Imaging to scan into Metaviewer.
W/E Code Queue: Add notes. Compliance adds the date that the 407(b) letter is sent.

W/E Code Queue: Add notes. Compliance adds the date that the 407(b) letter is sent.