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▷ ▶ Chain Of Command free Nonprofit flowcharts and decision trees.
NonprofitChain Of Command
By eidiard
Category: Nonprofit. Viewed 385 times. Created April 2016.     Disclaimer.   
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But who exactly is our chain of command for questions?

I have a question I can't answer. Who do I ask?
Is it a Code or Educational Question?
Code: Worshipful Master
Did he have an answer?
Yes. Great!

Educational: LEO
No? Ask your District Deputy

Did he have an answer?
Yes. Great!
Did he have an answer?
Yes. Great!

No? Ask the District Education Officer
No? Ask the District Advisor

Did he have an answer?
Yes. Great!
Did he have an answer?
Yes. Great!

No. Ask the District Education Committee Representative.
Yes. Great!
No? Ask the appropriate Grand Lodge Officer

No. Ask the Grand Lodge Education Committee