Does the drink have a mixer (soda, tonic, juice, coffee etc)?
| NO
Was the drink ordered as a cocktail (Manhattan, Martini, Old Fashioned, Sazerac, Gimlet, etc)
Did they order it on the rocks?
| NO
Ring in an UP charge; add green cocktail modifier. Drink will be served in a coupe by default.
They ordered a double.
Ring in just the booze, mixer and put up a LARGE rocks glass.
| NO
Is the drink a cosmo, margarita or other juice-based cocktail?
Ring in ROCKS charge for the booze; add green cocktail modifier, put up a SMALL rocks glass
Ring in the base charge for the liquor TWICE. Add DOUBLE button and appropriate mixer. Put up LARGE rocks glass.
Does it have a mixer?
Ring in booze (well or call), add applicable cocktail charge (cosmo, etc). Add BLUE (non-charge) ROCKS button. Put up a SMALL rocks glass for cosmos. Put up a LARGE rocks for margaritas.
Did they order it on the ROCKS?
| NO
Ring in booze (well or call), add applicable cocktail charge, add BLUE (non-charge) UP button. Drink will default to a coupe.
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Ring in base charge TWICE. ADD appropriate ROCKS/NEAT/UP charge ONCE. Add DOUBLE modifier. Put up LARGE rocks glass if needed.
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