Estate Tax Consequences
Is there a transfer of property?
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Is there a transfer? Of an interest in property?
| NO
No FET consequences
Does the transfer occur during the donor's lifetime or at death?
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During lifetime.
Was it made within three years of death?
At death.
Was D sole owner of property?
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§2035 - if D hadn't made the transfer, would §§ 2036, 2037, 2038, or 2042 apply?
Did D relinquish dominion and control over property interest?
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No immediate FET consequences. See FGT flowchart
What kind of interest or power did D retain?
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Life estate.
Included under §2036(a)(1)
Power over income, possession or enjoyment.
Included under §2036(a)(2)
Reversion or possible reversion.
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