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▷ ▶ Deceased Tenant free Advice flowcharts and decision trees.
AdviceDeceased Tenant
By slofreedom
Category: Advice. Viewed 872 times. Created November 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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Granting access to a deceased tenant's unit.

Is there a Trust?
Is there a Probate (is there a court proceeding to settle the estate?)
Is the estate less than $150,000 in value?
We will need a copy of the death certificate.





We will need a copy of the death certificate + A copy of the Abstract of Trust fully signed and notarized. + A copy of the Trustee's I.D. + We need a signed receipt and either a statement that they will remove the property (vacate) or assume responsibility for the lease.
We will need a copy of the death certificate + probate papers signed by a judge and naming an administrator + administrator's instructions re: allowing beneficiaries to take possession, if any. + proof of administrator's ID & signature matches that on instructions
Refer to either "Is there a Trust?" or "Is there a Probate?"
Suggest that they might go to either a law library or online to research "small estate exemptions". There may be a form that can help them. We are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice on this matter.




Wait 40 days from date of death + Create simple receipt to indicate beneficiary is taking possession of unit's contents. Have it signed and dated. + If beneficiary is staying, create new agreement with them.
Wait 40 days from date of death + Create simple receipt to indicate beneficiary is taking possession of unit's contents. Have it signed and dated. + If beneficiary is staying, create new agreement with them.
Wait 40 days from date of death + Create simple receipt to indicate beneficiary is taking possession of unit's contents. Have it signed and dated. + If beneficiary is staying, create new agreement with them.