Do you know what a surety bond is?
Has someone asked you to get a surety bond?
Are you licensed by your state, local authority or other licensing division?
Do you know the amount of the bond that is required for your specific license?
Please fill out an application with the bond type and amount and an agent will contact you shortly.
A surety bond is the opposite of insurance- where insurance protects you during a loss, bonding protects the other person (client, company, etc.)
Please contact the licensing entity for your profession and ask about the bonding requirements. Not every license requires a bond.
In most cases if a license is not required there will not be a bond required either. We can write special bonds for people working in clients' homes (cleaning services, house/pet sitting businesses, errand runners, etc.)
Please contact the licensing entity for your profession and ask about the bonding requirements. Not every license requires a bond.
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