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▷ ▶ Response to Intervention (RIT) free Education flowcharts and decision trees.
EducationResponse to Intervention (RIT)
By judyelaine2013
Category: Education. Viewed 1044 times. Created August 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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Simple protocol for referring a student for Special Education Services via the Student Study Team @ PALM (SST) (Response to Intervention Procedures)

Classroom teacher has worked very hard with a student, but they are still struggling in reading or math.
Classroom teacher completes a student referral form and turns in to Student Study Team (SST) member.
A meeting is then scheduled with the SST members and the parent(s).
SST members and the parent(s) meet to discuss the student's present levels in the deficit areas being considered. and to assign an interventionist to work with the student and to take data on the student's progress.
SST team schedules a follow- up meeting in 3-4 weeks to review the new data and determine if the interventions are helping the student progress.

After 3-4 weeks, the SST members and the parent(s) meet again to discuss the student's progress using the data collected from the most recent interventions.

If the student is progressing, the SST members could decide to continue with the current intervention plan or make some adjustments to the plan and continue to monitor the student on a regular basis, roughly, 3-4 weeks.
If the student is NOT progressing, the SST members could decide to change the current intervention plan and continue to monitor the student on a regular basis, roughly 3-4 weeks.

After the second 3-4 weeks, the SST members and the parent(s) meet again to discuss the student's progress using the data collected from the current interventions.

If the student IS progressing, the SST members could decide to continue with the current intervention plan or make some adjustments to the plan and continue to monitor the student on a regular basis.
If the student is NOT progressing, the SST members could decide to change the current intervention plan and continue monitoring the student's progress OR refer the student to the school psychologist for further testing. Another meeting is scheduled after the tests are completed on the student.

Psychologically testing determines that the student is NOT eligible for Special Education Services.
Psychologically testing determines that the student is eligible for Special Education Services.

Return to interventions and continue to monitor the student on a regular basis through the SST process.
An IEP is developed for the student and the student begins to receive Special Education Services.