This quiz tests The Ultimate Gothic Test (Revised) Goth Fétichiste Entertainment Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Entertainment IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Ultimate Gothic Test (Revised) by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:
Goth Fétichiste

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

salut, ca vas ? (Hello, how are you?)
True False

soie (Yes) ou latex (No) ? (Silk or Latex?)
True False

Baudelaire ? (Deep, dark poetry?)
True False

te trouves tu beau/belle ? (Do you think you are good looking?)
True False

provoquant(e) ? (Are you easily provoked?)
True False

aimes tu faire peur aux gens dans la rue ? (Do you like to scare people in the streets?)
True False

le gothisme est une philosophie (Gothism is a philosophy?)
True False

black metal ? (Do you listen to dark metal?)
True False

passes tu tes nuits a ecrire des trucs qui font pleurer ta mere ? (Do you spend your nights writing things that make your mother cry?)
True False

doc martens (Yes) ou talons aiguille (No) ? (Doc Martens or heels?)
True False

es tu tatoue(e) ? (Are you tattooed?)
True False

aimes tu faire partie d un large groupe ? (Do you like being part of a large group?)
True False

aimes tu les lacets ? (Do you like lacing your garments?)
True False

Marylin Manson ? (Do you like to listen to Marylin Manson?)
True False

as tu peur de la folie ? (Are you afraid of the unsound?)
True False

de la mort ? (Are you afraid to die?)
True False

preferes tu la nuit au jour ? (Day (Yes) or night (No)?)
True False

as-tu beaucoup d amis ? (Are you popular?)
True False

penses tu qu In ne t apprecie pas a ta juste valeur ? (Do you think that you are not appreciated at your fair value?)
True False

on s appelle et on s'fait une bouffe ? (You do not like to eat alone.🥂)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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