This quiz tests Who is Your Hunter X Hunter Kin? Gon Freeccs Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Who is Your Hunter X Hunter Kin? by sejkwim.
Test your knowledge of:
Gon Freeccs

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I am an extrovert
True False

Some may see me as odd or eccentric
True False

I enjoy being the center of attention
True False

I feel the need to prove my worth, whether it be to my family, mentors, or myself
True False

People consider me attractive
True False

I am extremely determined once I put my mind to something
True False

I am charismatic and many people like me because I am easy to get along with
True False

I tend to be reserved and keep my cards close to my chest
True False

My emotions rule my decisions rather than logic
True False

I am hard-headed and assertive
True False

Material goods matter to me (money, clothes, jewelry, etc)
True False

I have trouble controlling my anger and often lash out
True False

I am kind at heart
True False

I have positively changed from my past self(s)
True False

I am confident in my abilities and have high self-esteem
True False

I care deeply for my friends and others around me
True False

I hide parts of myself/ my personality in fear that people will judge me if they find out
True False

I am empathetic to a fault
True False

I have creative hobbies (reading, writing, art, sewing, instruments, etc)
True False

I enjoy fighting simply for the sake of fighting
True False

I am intelligent and fight strategically
True False

I use people for my own motives without thinking of their feelings
True False

I do not have a good relationship with my family (nonexistent/ estranged/ strained)
True False

I know right from wrong and choose to do the right thing
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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