This quiz tests What Halloween costume are you? (Revised) Cereal Killer. DYI with large cereal box with hole cut out for your face. Horror Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Horror IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Halloween costume are you? (Revised) by Blessed3589.
Test your knowledge of:
Cereal Killer. DYI with large cereal box with hole cut out for your face.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Would you like a topical costume?
True False

Are you, or can you pass for, a somewhat slim female?
True False

Would you like a costume that you basically have to purchase?
True False

Would you like a costume that you could make and assemble yourself with clothes and items you probably have at home?
True False

Would you like something that could be seen as innocent if a child wears it, but potentially sexy if an adult female wears it.
True False

Would you like a classic but cheap costume?
True False

Would you like a political costume?
True False

Would you like a costume that hides your identity?
True False

Would you like a costume that's popular, according to costume sellers?
True False

Do you have the ability to sing a few notes and/or dance a few steps to emulate certain celebrities?
True False

Do you want to be scary?
True False

Would you like to be a visual pun?
True False

Are you OK making fun of certain famous people and/or organizations?
True False

Would you like to have a unique costume?
True False

Will your costume be seen by people who are familiar enough with the news and popular culture to appreciate a less than obvious costume?
True False

Are you five foot three inches or shorter?
True False

Are you a male?
True False

Are you a female?
True False

Are you a kid?
True False

Are you an adult?
True False

Would you like a costume that intelligent people will ''get'' but less than intelligent people might ask for a explanation?
True False

Would you like to dress up as a famous celebrity?
True False

What about a dead celebrity?
True False

Would you like cute costume as opposed to a scary one?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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