This quiz tests Which menstrual cup is right for you? Large Mooncup USA - Health Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Health IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which menstrual cup is right for you? by menstrual_cups.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer a long cup over a short one? Some women like a large cup because it is more easily reachable and there is increased capacity. But, some women find a shorter cup more comfortable.
True False

Do you prefer a wide cup over a narrow one? Some women prefer a wide cup because it may be easier to fit your cervix inside, especially after childbirth, and it also increases capacity. However, some women find a narrow cup more comfortable.
True False

Do you prefer a "hoop skirt" shape, where the body gets as wide as the rim? (As opposed to a narrow body where cups are not as wide but have a flared flange at the rim.)
True False

Do you prefer a high flow capacity? Some women prefer a high capacity due to heavy flow, but others may have a light flow or find a large cup uncomfortable.
True False

Do you prefer large air holes over small air holes? The large ones create less suction and are easier to clean, but they may leak.
True False

Do you prefer the holes to be high up toward the rim, rather than lower down?
True False

Do you prefer a firm cup? A firm cup pops open more easily, but you may feel more pressure and they are harder to fold.
True False

Do you want your cup to be available in colors other than clear?
True False

Do you want grip rings/spirals on the cup base, as opposed to bumps or no grip at all?
True False

Do you prefer a solid flat tab stem over a hollow round tube stem? Some women find the tab more comfortable, especially if they don't trim it, but others do not like the edges.
True False

Do you want an attractive-looking cup?
True False

Do you prefer a sillicone cup over a rubber one?
True False

Do you prefer measuring lines?
True False

Do you want attractive packaging?
True False

Do you prefer a clear cup, where you can see the blood, over an opaque cup which hides it?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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