This quiz tests Do You Enjoy Poetry? You are a lover of all poetry Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Do You Enjoy Poetry? by Nicolet Blaire.
Test your knowledge of:
You are a lover of all poetry

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Is it important to have alot of imagery in a poem?
True False

Does a poem need to tell a story?
True False

Do you feel a poem needs to follow preset writing styles? (ballad, haiku, Sonnet, Senryu, Synonym poem, etc)
True False

Is it important for the theme of a poem to be obvious?
True False

Do you prefer poems that use personification? ( a comparison that gives human qualities to inanimate objects)
True False

Does a poem have to rhyme?
True False

Do you feel there are some topics which should go left unwritten about? (limitation of the muse)
True False

Does a poem need to have consistant patterns in the line breaks?
True False

Do you enjoy poems that use onomatopoeia? (a word that makes the sound of the action it describes. for example BANG!)
True False

Do you think that the use of alot of refrain takes away from a poem? (refrain is the repetition of a line/s throughout a poem)
True False

Do you feel poet's have a "poetic license"? (freedom of breaking some of the rules of standard english)
True False

Do you feel poems should be emotional?
True False

Do you feel writer's should only write about their own experiences?
True False

Or Do you feel they should step outside of their own world to show someonelse's experiences?
True False

Inspiration is important. Does it matter where it comes from?
True False

Do you feel that you have to be a certain age to be a writer?
True False

Do you feel that you need to have had "educational" classes on "how to write poetry" to be a 'Poet'?
True False

Do you feel there is a differance between song lyrics and poetry?
True False

Do you think that a poem has to make sense to every reader?
True False

Do you write poetry?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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