This quiz tests Wich Star Fox character is you most alike? Andrew Oikonny Video Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Video Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Wich Star Fox character is you most alike? by Tobias.
Test your knowledge of:
Andrew Oikonny

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you often tell others what to do?
True False

Do you prefer to avoid conflicts?
True False

Do you like to make other people happy?
True False

Do you think money/wealth is more important than love/friendship?
True False

Do you prefer candy over vegetables?
True False

Do you consider yourself as a "wild" person?
True False

Do you consider yourself as a "calm" person?
True False

Do you consider yourself intelligent and knowledgable?
True False

Do you consider yourself as strong and blunt?
True False

Do you consider yourself as quick and agile?
True False

Are you interested in sport?
True False

Are you interested in literature or dramatics?
True False

Are you interested in video-games?
True False

Are you an eager soul, that looks for adventure and action?
True False

Are you a mystic soul, that no one gets to know properly?
True False

Are you a happy soul, that spreads happieness?
True False

Are you a sly soul, that breaks the law and care nothing of others?
True False

If you were to get a suit, would you like it to have light colors?
True False

If you were to get a suit, would you like it to have dark colors?
True False

Do you use cheat codes in games to make them easier?
True False

Do you think prince Tricky is annoying?
True False

Do you think general Pepper is lame?
True False

Would you like to be a hero (yes) a villain (no) or none (I dont know)
True False

Do you think Krystal is pretty?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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