This quiz tests Find Your Movie/TV Crush Wolverine Personality Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Personality IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Find Your Movie/TV Crush by Angelfish.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like the dreamy type?
True False

Do you like guys to have kids or atleast really love kids?
True False

Would you rather have a moody and loses their temper but VERY CUTE type?
True False

Is your dream guy shy(yes) or assertive(no)?
True False

Do you like superheros?
True False

Do you like fighters (or atleast a guy who's got muscles)?
True False

Do you need your guy to try again and again to get you?
True False

Are looks everything? (Or at least alot?)
True False

Do you like the tormented type?
True False

Do you want someone who gets adorably nervous around you?
True False

passionate and compassionate(yes) or moody and brooding(no)
True False

Does he need to love the city(yes) or the country(no)?
True False

Does he need to be able to make you laugh?
True False

Does he have the chance of becoming a dark lord?
True False

Do you like spiders? (atleast human ones)
True False

Elves(yes) or hobbits(no)?
True False

Is he self-sacrificing?
True False

Does he have a wierd hairdo?
True False

Does he distrust robots?
True False

Does he get misled but usually end up right(yes), stay misled(no), or never get misled in the first place(no opinion)?
True False

Does he have dark [secrets] about his past?
True False

Does he always come back to you?
True False

Is he short(yes), tall, (no)?
True False

Is he sweet(yes) or maybe adorably clueless(no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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