This quiz tests Who are you in NV1C? In de Betou Friends & Roommates Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Friends & Roommates IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Who are you in NV1C? by Aleynah_Zakira.
Test your knowledge of:
In de Betou

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a boy?
True False

Are you blond?
True False

Are you tall?
True False

...or short?
True False

Do you have long hair?
True False

Is music a big part of your life?
True False

Do you have a native language other than swedish?
True False

Is your laughter distinct and noticeable?
True False

Are you on the skinnier side?
True False

Are clothes, fashion and personal style important to you?
True False

Are you into computers?
True False

Do you laugh alot and make weird jokes all the time?
True False

Are you in love right now?
True False

Do you wear glasses?
True False

Do you do any sport in your free time?
True False

Do you play in an orchestra?
True False

Do you talk alot?
True False

Are you happy?
True False

Do you write or draw or do other creative things like that often?
True False

Do you spend a lot of time on MSN Messenger? (be honest :P)
True False

Are you energetic and active (yes) or calmer (no)?
True False

Are you childish (yes) or a smoker (no) or both (the last alternative)?
True False

Do you make a lot of noise? (not necessarily in a conversation)
True False

Does schoolwork bother you?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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