This quiz tests Gundam SEED character selector Fllay Allster Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Gundam SEED character selector by Vatani-chan.
Test your knowledge of:
Fllay Allster

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Would you refuse to destroy innocent lives even at the cost of your own comrades?
True False

Are you female (yes) or male (no) or neither (not sure)
True False

Are you insane?
True False

Are you useless?
True False

If your ship was hit, would your chest bounce up and down?
True False

Does your boyfriend/girlfriend sleep with everyone but you?
True False

Do you often have the urge to KILL...MAIM...DESTROY...PAIN...AHH THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF!!!!
True False

Are you a pansy?
True False

Do you enjoy singing?
True False

Can you sense if others are near?
True False

Do you often feel quite feminine?
True False

Here's a direct question...Are you gay?
True False

Do you often feel the urge to cry?
True False

Would you sacrifice your comrades for the sake of you agenda?
True False

Are you bishounen, or like to think you are?
True False

Likewise, are you bishoujo or like to think you are?
True False

Would your death scene be quick (yes) or long (no) or nobody would care (not sure)
True False

Are you a 'mommy's boy'?
True False

If you stole a Gundam would it be pink and girly looking (yes) black and powerfull with lots of guns (no) or you wouldn't steal one because 'war is bad and evil and people die so I must cry' (not sure)
True False

If someone gave you a Haru, would you say, 'cool! I got some balls' (yes) or 'sorry, but I'm returning them, cause balls don't fit with my personality' (no) or would you use them to play tennis (not sure)
True False

Are you a close combat fighter (yes) or longrange (no) or 'fighting?' (not sure)
True False

Do people often forget you exist?
True False

Are you a person who doesn't get 'any'?
True False

Do you enjoy bouncing up and down?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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