This quiz tests ~ Naruto Identification ~ Naruto Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector ~ Naruto Identification ~ by Incendiary Soldier.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Without friends I wouldn’t have much to live for.
True False

Women are annoying.
True False

At birth our fate has been determined.
True False

Dog is man’s best friend.
True False

Men prefer thin women over thick.
True False

There is nothing to fear about nature but ourselves.
True False

Ambition rules over family and friendship.
True False

With enough effort and hard work, anything I want I can achieved.
True False

Food and friends; all one really needs.
True False

It’s wiser to remain silent, than to reveal your motives.
True False

Even the most cruel and sinister people can have a complete change of heart.
True False

The loneliness of being unwanted by anyone is the greatest pain of all.
True False

Fitness is very important to being healthy.
True False

It’s better to be timidly kind than risk being outwardly annoying or offensive.
True False

Living with a dream is as important as life itself.
True False

When you’re the underdog, it’s best to give up and avoid humiliation.
True False

My appearance can help me make it around easier in life.
True False

Love is far more important than personal ambitions.
True False

I want to exceed all others in my skills to best serve myself and my friends.
True False

I really don’t need anyone but myself.
True False

It doesn’t matter if someone is of the utmost “good” OR “evil” that person can become most important thing to ourselves.
True False

It’s foolish to judge others abilities by their appearances.
True False

I’d rather not discuss the value of opinions; I don’t want to stand in any one position.
True False

Ughh…this was tiresome…
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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