This quiz tests Sociology Graduate School Selector Florida (University of) Education Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Education IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Sociology Graduate School Selector by J. Rod.
Test your knowledge of:
Florida (University of)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I want to attend a large grad program (75 students or more).
True False

My GRE verbal and quantitative are very good (1200 or higher).
True False

My GRE was fair, but my total package is good (gpa and references).
True False

I am raising children and need a safe town and good schools for my rugrat.
True False

I might be a Marxist or am very interested in critical sociology.
True False

I am a conservative and need a program that will not abuse me.
True False

I am interested in quanitative work.
True False

I'm no number cruncher, give me a qualitative program.
True False

I need a town that does not have a real high cost of living index.
True False

I want to apply to the best programs.
True False

I am interested in political sociology.
True False

I am interested in social inequality.
True False

I am interested in economic sociology.
True False

My grades and scores aren't as good as they should be, but I want to go to graduate school.
True False

I admit it, I am an average Jane or Joe and don't want a program that is too far out there.
True False

I want a program that is radical and will bend my mind.
True False

I am interested in the sociology of education
True False

I am interested in an urban atmosphere.
True False

I am interested in the sociology of religion.
True False

I want a diverse campus.
True False

I want a small intimate program.
True False

I want a program where I can complete my M.A. and Ph.D. in 6 years or less.
True False

I am fellowship material (1300 GRE) and want to apply to the top schools that have ample fellowship opportunities.
True False

I am smart, but I am not interested in a cut-throat program.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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