This quiz tests Who Are You In Harry Potter Land? Luna Lovegood-You are a bit weird on the surface, but once people get to know you, they see how deep and very thoughtful you can be. Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Who Are You In Harry Potter Land? by Kate.
Test your knowledge of:
Luna Lovegood-You are a bit weird on the surface, but once people get to know you, they see how deep and very thoughtful you can be.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are sporty and athletic, but a bit weepy. Yes or no?
True False

You are very knowledgeable, clever, and smart. You are also very responsible. Yes or no?
True False

You are very bratty, privilaged, and rich. You are very concited. Yes or no?
True False

You seem a bit weird, but are actually very smart and brave. Yes or no?
True False

You are very out there and unique. You are a bit wild. Yes or no?
True False

You are shy but you do have the ability to be brave. Yes or no?
True False

You are a teased frequently and are a bit wimpy. Yes or no?
True False

You are cruel, evil, heartless, and determined to get what you want. Yes or no?
True False

You are brave and courageous, but you are not interested in the lime light for all you herotic actions. Yes or no?
True False

You are funny and kind, but you have the tendancy to be a little obnoxious and you have a bit of a temper. Yes or no?
True False

Do you get defensive about your family/lifestyle, ect.?
True False

Do love books so much that you've declined invitations to fun activities so you could finish your latest tale, or if you do occasionally go somewhere, do you always have a book in tow?
True False

Is determination the key to getting what you want?
True False

Would you mind having to deal constantly with a grumpy Gramma?
True False

Would you be embarassed if you were rescued by the teen idol himself, Harry Potter?
True False

Do wish the power to change you looks and styles at the blink of an eye?
True False

Do you like the sound of homemade jewelrey?
True False

Do you find hanging around two people of zero intelligence useful?
True False

Would you go out with someone, just for the sole reason of spilling your troubles?
True False

Do you think having a parent work at your school is useful?
True False

Is knowlege important?
True False

Is friendship important?
True False

Is love important?
True False

Is uniqueness important?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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