This quiz tests Which Element is yours? Electricity, The element of speed. Quick-footed and quick-witted, are traits that describe you. Sharp of mind and tounge most of the time. Be careful about what you say, sometimes the first thing isn't the best thing. Metaphysical Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Metaphysical IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Element is yours? by Syn.
Test your knowledge of:
Electricity, The element of speed. Quick-footed and quick-witted, are traits that describe you. Sharp of mind and tounge most of the time. Be careful about what you say, sometimes the first thing isn't the best thing.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are easily angered.
True False

You can stay calm in most situations.
True False

You are lazy.
True False

You find the pit human stupidity has no bottom.
True False

You believe in true love.
True False

You have been in love.
True False

Your friends and family come before anything else. (including you)
True False

You enjoy violence.
True False

You have killed someone.
True False

You would like to kill someone.
True False

You are fast.
True False

You would heal anyone that needed it. (if you could)
True False

You have felt the urge to kill someone over a plant.
True False

You have a hard head, literally.
True False

You would rather recieve the death penalty than life in prison.
True False

You are easily distracted.
True False

You have a sense of honor.
True False

You have a pet.
True False

You have many friends.
True False

You hate your family.
True False

You find nature soothing.
True False

You enjoy the night or darkness.
True False

You believe yourself to be intelligent.
True False

You have considered suicide.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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