This quiz tests Am I Dick or a Pussy? Little Pussy Friends & Roommates Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Friends & Roommates IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Am I Dick or a Pussy? by He Hate Me.
Test your knowledge of:
Little Pussy

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

After having lived with my new roommate for a week, if he/she does something to get on my nerves, I would not hesitate to voice my discontent.
True False

If I am in a room of 20 people where no one knows one another and everyone seems uncomfortable, I will take the lead and loosen everyone up.
True False

I hate people who look down upon me and my friends.
True False

If someone dared me to streak through a crowded football stadium not only would I do it but I would try to sack the opposing teams quarterback while I was out there.
True False

I would not cross-dress under any situation (for girls, I would not fart audibly around a guy)
True False

If a game show offered me fifty dollars to sing "I'm a little teacup" on national television, I would turn them down.
True False

When I see an attractive member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you're from California), I walk right up to him/her and start spitting game.
True False

If a pretty guy/girl walks by me, I will make eye contact, smile and nod (no more, no less).
True False

I could get 8 of the next ten guys/girls I walk by to sleep with me within the week.
True False

Actually, chances are if a guy/girl is really hot, they wouldn't give me the time of day.
True False

I'd be very hesitant to participate in an activity where I might mess up my hair.
True False

I wouldn't do number five (streak through football stadium) even if I were drunk.
True False

If I had the chance to be someone else, I wouldn't want to be friends with myself.
True False

I get crazy when I'm drunk, but otherwise I return to my normal, average Joe self.
True False

My actual dick is more than adequately sized (for girls, my breasts/ass are well above average).
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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