This quiz tests The Definitive Online Sorting Hat Gryffindor House Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Definitive Online Sorting Hat by Sesshoumaru.
Test your knowledge of:
Gryffindor House

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Hermione's quest to free house elves is stupid because house elves have a long history of servitude to humans and therefore it should stay that way. Do you agree?
True False

Hermione is right to in her attempts for fairness towards elves because no matter what predispositions these creatures have, every creature with near human intelligence should at least have the opportunity to be free. Do you agree?
True False

An attempt should be made to free house elves because the norms and rules must be challenged at times to test if they are strong enough to continue into the future.
True False

There should be no attempt to free house elves because the nature of the creature is to remain in servitude and challenging this would be harmful to the creature.
True False

House Elves should remain in servitude because they are predisposed to house work and therefore it is more efficient to leave it that way than to change it.
True False

Is history of magic a worthwhile class?
True False

Is studying hard and getting an A is better than not studying and getting a B+?
True False

Cheating on homework is okay, but cheating on tests is not okay unless the circumstances are dire. Do you agree?
True False

The only circumstance to confront a dragon is to obtain a part of it for magical purposes.
True False

The only circumstance to confront a dragon is to save a friend.
True False

There are innumerable circumstances in which I would confront a dragon. Maybe even just the glory would be enough to entice me.
True False

The only circumstances to confront a dragon are those which are directly beneficial to me.
True False

As the most powerful creatures on the planet it is the responsibility of wizardkind to rule over other the rest of the world to ensure tranquility.
True False

As the most powerful creatures on the planet it is the responsibility of wizardkind to use their powers to resolve every individual case of disturbance until their is peace in the world.
True False

As the most powerful creatures on the planet it is the responsibility of wizardkind to thrive in their own world and permit other creatures, and muggles to thrive in theirs.
True False

As the most powerful creatures on the planet it is the responsibility of wizardkind to learn to live in harmony with the other creatures on the planet.
True False

Centaurs do not like wizards because they presume that they have dominion over the whole planet. Is the best way to deal with this to form a committee of wizards and centaurs and resolve the problem?
True False

Or is it to impose stringent laws concerning where centaurs can live thus eliminating the problem of centaur/human confrontation?
True False

Or is it to leave centaurs alone because two different species of like intelligence just cannot cohabitate?
True False

Or rather, send an envoy to the abode of the centaurs to inquire what can be done to improve centaur/human relations?
True False

Would you prefer to be in Slytherin?
True False

Would you prefer to be in Gryffindor?
True False

Would you prefer to be in Hufflepuff?
True False

Would you prefer to be in Ravenclaw?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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