This quiz tests The Accurate FRIENDS Character Quiz!!! Which Friend Are You? Monica Gellar - You tend to be anal retentive, slightly bossy, compulsive and competitive - even with your friends! But you are also hardworking, maternal, determined, focused and independent. You may find that you have been unlucky in love most of your life, but hang in there because Mr. Right is just around the corner - a man who can appreciate a strong woman like yourself. Your domestic abilities, maternal instincts and housekeeping skills make you a great wife though you prefer to be in control of the relationship, which can prove intimidating to many men. Some people perceive you as tomboyish, perhaps because you can be as tough as a guy. Maybe even tougher! You are also quick and agile and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Your attention to detail makes you a wonderful cook and great at organizing events! You also make a good hostess. Ambitious, you strive to be the best at whatever you do. Despite your strength, you do not compromise on your femininity. There's nothing you want more than to have children of your own and to be a good mother. Television Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Television IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Accurate FRIENDS Character Quiz!!! Which Friend Are You? by Rachel. Test your knowledge of: Monica Gellar - You tend to be anal retentive, slightly bossy, compulsive and competitive - even with your friends! But you are also hardworking, maternal, determined, focused and independent. You may find that you have been unlucky in love most of your life, but hang in there because Mr. Right is just around the corner - a man who can appreciate a strong woman like yourself. Your domestic abilities, maternal instincts and housekeeping skills make you a great wife though you prefer to be in control of the relationship, which can prove intimidating to many men. Some people perceive you as tomboyish, perhaps because you can be as tough as a guy. Maybe even tougher! You are also quick and agile and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Your attention to detail makes you a wonderful cook and great at organizing events! You also make a good hostess. Ambitious, you strive to be the best at whatever you do. Despite your strength, you do not compromise on your femininity. There's nothing you want more than to have children of your own and to be a good mother.
Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.