This quiz tests The Accurate FRIENDS Character Quiz!!! Which Friend Are You? Phoebe Buffay - You may not be the sharpest or smartest card in the deck and might even be referred to as "that bimbo" from time to time. However, your sweet and kooky attitude, off-beat sense of humour and kindness towards all living things will win over your friends. You are dreamy, spiritual and you love peace and harmony. However, you also have a dark side which should not be ignored. Occasionally, you have a tendency to refer to things that make your friends feel that maybe you're not as sweet and innocent as everyone thinks you are! However, you must beware of your tendency towards overly self-centred behaviour. It would do you well to keep in mind that the world does not revolve around your problems, heartaches and every personal crisis! Nevertheless, you have been through some tough times in life and you have the right stuff and enough pizzazz to prove to everyone that you're a true survivor! Television Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Television IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Accurate FRIENDS Character Quiz!!! Which Friend Are You? by Rachel.
Test your knowledge of:
Phoebe Buffay - You may not be the sharpest or smartest card in the deck and might even be referred to as "that bimbo" from time to time. However, your sweet and kooky attitude, off-beat sense of humour and kindness towards all living things will win over your friends. You are dreamy, spiritual and you love peace and harmony. However, you also have a dark side which should not be ignored. Occasionally, you have a tendency to refer to things that make your friends feel that maybe you're not as sweet and innocent as everyone thinks you are! However, you must beware of your tendency towards overly self-centred behaviour. It would do you well to keep in mind that the world does not revolve around your problems, heartaches and every personal crisis! Nevertheless, you have been through some tough times in life and you have the right stuff and enough pizzazz to prove to everyone that you're a true survivor!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Did your parents spoil you when you were growing up?
True False

Do you have an over-critical mother?
True False

Do your parents favour you over your other sibling/s?
True False

While growing up, were you popular and involved in many school clubs and activities?
True False

While growing up, were you studious and a good student? Did teachers love you?
True False

While growing up, did people ever tell you that you weren't very bright or smart?
True False

Have you ever dropped out of school/ college?
True False

Back in school, were you SMART but not bothered to study too hard, preferring to socialise, play a fool, copy off others or bribe schoolmates into doing your homework for you?
True False

Have people ever accused you of being too soft hearted?
True False

Has anyone ever thought you were gay/ lesbian or found your orientation questionable?
True False

Is your family poor/ average income/ living comfortably enough (select yes) or very wealthy (select no)?
True False

Does your current job/ field of study belong to the creative industry?
True False

Are you good at fashion, buying and co-ordinating clothes?
True False

Are you a good cook (select yes) or a good eater (select no)?
True False

Do you end up singing/ playing music in public even if your musical talent is questionable?
True False

Do you take a long time to get over a break-up (assuming after a significant relationship)?
True False

Will you consider having children without marriage or a current long-term relationship?
True False

Do you have a fear of commitment?
True False

Have your friends ever remarked that you go through quite alot of boy or girlfriends?
True False

Do most other people consider you bitchy?
True False

Do you have a habit of showing friends samples of your work?
True False

Do you tell jokes that no one else thinks are funny?
True False

Are you a neat person who likes to organize?
True False

You as quiet (select yes), bubbly (select no) or socially retarded (select not sure)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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