This quiz tests Are You Dark & Gloomy or Light & Happy? Dark as a bat's wing... you live in the shadows... you're the person people get paranoid about because they think you're watching them. Personality Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Personality IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are You Dark & Gloomy or Light & Happy? by CountryGal.
Test your knowledge of:
Dark as a bat's wing... you live in the shadows... you're the person people get paranoid about because they think you're watching them.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Night? (yes) or Day? (no)
True False

Are you cute?(yes) or down right nasty?(no)
True False

What is your significant other good for? Everything! I love him/her!(yes) or financial aid (no).
True False

Lace and leather (yes) or silk and cotton (no)?
True False

If you could be any animal would you be a dragon (yes) or a bunny (no)?
True False

Do you like to be serenaded?
True False

Do you like Korn (yes) or N*Sync (no) better?
True False

Look in your pocket... do you have a cell phone(yes) or a lighter (no) in there?
True False

Which do you prefer... diamonds (yes) or garnet stones (no)?
True False

Would you consider yourself optimistic?
True False

Could you compete in a competition for the happiest person in the world?
True False

Have you ever once blushed when somebody flattered you(yes) or did you just flick them off (no)?
True False

How do you feel when you see blood? yuck! I'm gonna pass out! (yes) or hehehahaBWAHAHAHA! (no)
True False

What would you prefer to be? Dark(yes) or light(no)?
True False

Ever had a bout with insomnia?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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