This quiz tests Which Lord of the Rings Character (and mood) are you? Arwen Undomiel Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Lord of the Rings Character (and mood) are you? by Navana.
Test your knowledge of:
Arwen Undomiel

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you see yourself as good?
True False

Do you prefer peace over fighting?
True False

Do you take oppertunities?
True False

Do you use magic or do you consider yourself magical?
True False

Are you and Elf (Elder Kindred)?
True False

Can you speak Elvish (Eldarian Quenya)?
True False

Can you fight?
True False

Do you volenteer your service or life for the greater good?
True False

Are you devoted to evil?
True False

Are you troubled by oncoming war?
True False

Do you belong to any particular group of people?
True False

More than one group?
True False

Does love conquor all?
True False

Have you passed the test of the Ring?
True False

Have you ever touched the ring?
True False

Have you ever seen (to your knowlege) any of the other rings of power?
True False

Have you ever traveled?
True False

More than once?
True False

Far away?
True False

Are you funny?
True False

Do you dress in bright colors?
True False

Do you snarl?
True False

Are you worried about your future?
True False

Do you believe in ALL the free peoples of Middle-Earth?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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