This quiz tests What Kind of Stagehand or Theater Technician are you? Stage Manager Theatre Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Theatre IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Kind of Stagehand or Theater Technician are you? by Theatre Guy.
Test your knowledge of:
Stage Manager

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer being off (yes) or on (no stage)
True False

To be a true techie you must wear all black (although many times you dont....)
True False

Do you find it easy to read by blue light or do you need brighter white light to see
True False

Do you have a basic understanding of electricty (enough to troubleshoot lighting/sound equipment etc)?
True False

Do you usually hangout with large groups of people (yes), or do you prefer being with a small group of friends(no)?
True False

Do you find yourself spacing out on occasion (and sometimes need a bump back to reality)?
True False

Are your organization skills better than average?
True False

Can you deal with stress fairly easy?
True False

Do you have the ability to use a sewing machine?
True False

Do you have good computer skills?
True False

Are you a great leader?
True False

Are you usually quiet and and somewhat reserved unless with good friends(yes), or loud and outgoing most of the time(no)?
True False

Does the word Macbeth, have anyone other meaning to you other than the name of a play?
True False

Do you have any formal training with guns, throwing knives etc. (i,e can you hit target more or less everytime you use one these weapons)?
True False

Do you know more knots than just the one you use to tie your shoes?
True False

Can you tell the difference between different types of pins?
True False

Are you at all hard of hearing?
True False

Would you describe yourself as a person with very good people skills?
True False

Which is the correct term, bulb (yes), lamp (no)?
True False

When is it ok to touch a a bulb/lamp in the theatre: Only when removing it (yes) never (no) (think hard about this)
True False

Who is superior: Director (yes )Technical Director (no). it may not be what you actually think
True False

Does this mean anything to you: Shure?
True False

Does this mean anything to you: Digital Multiplxer?
True False

What does a puchase line buy you : Props(knick-nacks etc) (yes) or nothing (no)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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