This quiz tests Soul Calibur Character Quiz Raphael Games & Toys Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Games & Toys IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Soul Calibur Character Quiz by ObstinateNightmare.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you prefer Power (Yes) or Speed (No)?
True False

Would you rather fight with or without a shield?
True False

Are you a bit eccentric?
True False

Do you prefer a character who's moves are challenging, but pay off big?
True False

Are you a button masher?
True False

Are you more Offensive (Yes) or Defensive (No) in battle?
True False

Do you prefer evil characters(Yes), or good ones(No)?
True False

Are you better fighting at close range than long range?
True False

Do you like to use weapons other than swords?
True False

Do you like your weapons massive and deadly?
True False

Do you normally use a lot of throw moves?
True False

Do you like juggling your opponent in the air?
True False

Do you like wailing on a enemy who's helpless on the ground?
True False

Are you a guy(Yes) or a girl(No)?
True False

Do you like to have a unique fighting style?
True False

Do you like using characters who have many different stances?
True False

Do you tend to use the same attacks over and over?
True False

Are you notorious for stringing together endless combos?
True False

Do you use kick attacks more than weapon attacks?
True False

Do you prefer two weapons or one?
True False

Do you like to see people being run through by your sword?
True False

Do you like the random button?
True False

Do you like picking the cheap characters to make people mad?
True False

Would you invest a lot of time in learning your character?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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