This quiz tests The 'Anti-personality' selector You are a basketball obssessed *foreign* little punk! You often go to the local park to BALL up others and you like to smoke weed. You are the typical *foreign* basketball player and you get cross overed and dunked on every single time, but you still maintain your beliefs that you are the next MJ. You have a Jordan tattoo on the right side of your leg and you often brag that you get alot of pussy! You a low life foreign scum who will end up working at McDonalds with your fellow popular friend, John! Should of begged your mom to send you to your foreign country! Humor Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Humor IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The 'Anti-personality' selector by Phillip Kim.
Test your knowledge of:
You are a basketball obssessed *foreign* little punk! You often go to the local park to BALL up others and you like to smoke weed. You are the typical *foreign* basketball player and you get cross overed and dunked on every single time, but you still maintain your beliefs that you are the next MJ. You have a Jordan tattoo on the right side of your leg and you often brag that you get alot of pussy! You a low life foreign scum who will end up working at McDonalds with your fellow popular friend, John! Should of begged your mom to send you to your foreign country!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do people look down upon you?
True False

Are you popular?
True False

Do get 'pussy' often?
True False

Do people often tell you your cool?
True False

Do you think you're cool?
True False

Are you misunderstood?
True False

Are constantly picked on?
True False

Do you bitch alot?
True False

Do you think life is unfair?
True False

Are you rich or poor? (Be honest, No for poor, Yes for rich)
True False

Do you smoke weed?
True False

Do you do any type of illegal drugs?
True False

Do you enjoy hurting people?
True False

Do you enjoy WATCHING people get hurt?
True False

Do you enjoy anime?
True False

Do you enjoy anime porn?
True False

Do you wish you had a loved one?
True False

Do you masturbate alot?
True False

Do you masturbate AT ALL?
True False

Do you have a need to talk to others about your problems?
True False

Do you keep your problems to yourself?
True False

Do you play basketball?
True False

Are you good? (at basketball)
True False

Do you talk to others about playing basketball often?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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