This quiz tests Survival in the Desert Excellent desert survival skills and techniques. You and your team live to tell the tale! Military Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Military IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Survival in the Desert by Airman First Class duJardin.
Test your knowledge of:
Excellent desert survival skills and techniques. You and your team live to tell the tale!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you bring a .45 caliber pistol (loaded)?
True False

Do you bring the book: "Edible Animals of the Desert"?
True False

Do you bring a bottle of salt tablets (1000)?
True False

How do you ration your water? Consume more or carry more? Do you drink only enough water to satisfy your thirst...
True False

...or do you drink plenty of water any time it is available?
True False

Do you bring a compress kit with gauze?
True False

Do you bring the 180 proof vodka?
True False

Do you bring a map of the area?
True False

Do you bring a flashlight?
True False

Do you bring a jack knife?
True False

Do you bring a coat?
True False

Do you collect your own urine for consumption as a water substitute?
True False

Do you bring a pair of sunglasses?
True False

Do you bring a cosmetic mirror?
True False

Do you bring a magnetic compass?
True False

Do you bring chewing gum (to alleviate thirst)?
True False

You find a plant that looks like a cactus and has a milky juice. Do you eat/drink it?
True False

You find a well with bad tasting water. The well is surrounded by abundant vegetation. Do you drink?
True False

Your water is gone. You don't find any potable wells but you find a damp place where flies are hovering. Do you expend your energy and start digging?
True False

Do you carry the red and white parachute?
True False

You can take only one of the following: Do you bring the butane cigarette lighter...
True False

...or the matches?
True False

In a dire situation will pebbles in the mouth at least partially make up for a lack of water?
True False

Rather than moving slowly during the day, you walk quickly to escape the desert and its heat.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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