This quiz tests Which Melee Smasher Are You? Y.Link Games & Toys Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Games & Toys IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Melee Smasher Are You? by The Crimson Lugia.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I have to avoid losing at all costs...
True False

I'm pretty young, but I can put up a great fight!
True False

True False

Errr... I'm more like the hero, the good guy...
True False

I rely purely on brute strength, other attacks have no use for me!
True False

Why did I even get in this game? I hate fighting...
True False

I'm pretty slow... But I make up for it with brute force!
True False

Some people are always wondering when I'll shut up.
True False

I'm not one to brag when I win.
True False

If I have allies, I just sit back and let them duke it out. If they get knocked out, I just hang around and hope my opponent will run into a Bob-omb or something.
True False

I'm always the first one into the fight! Lemme at the competiton! (growls)
True False

Speed is my selling point, and I use that to my prime advantage...
True False

I love my taunt... It's so satisfyingly annoying...
True False

I'm bashed a lot. (groan) I've never been that well-liked...
True False

I love being cheap! Just stand still, and hit your opponent with a spin attack if they come close! Bwahahahaha!
True False

I have a girlfriend/boyfriend...
True False

Who cares if this armor is cheap? It's cool, and I can blow stuff up with it. (laughs evilly)
True False

This is my sword. Fear the sword.
True False

I'm very powerful, but only experts can master my difficult moveset successfully.
True False

I value strategy over simple strength.
True False

I have an older self/sibling who constantly gets all the attention...
True False

This 3D world is soooo kool.... Much better than my boring cheesy 2D games... (stares transfixed)
True False

I can swallow opponents! Mmmmmm...
True False

I can breathe fire! Who's got the marshmellows?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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