This quiz tests What Raquian are you most like? Pado Fitrix Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Raquian are you most like? by AngismasterCK.
Test your knowledge of:
Pado Fitrix

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

What do you prefer, Magic or Physical Strength (Yes Magic No Strength)
True False

Do you prefer Guns or Bows&Arrows? (Yes Guns No Bows&Arrows)
True False

Are you male or female? (Yes Male No Female)
True False

Do you feel that saving the world is more important than controlling it? (Yes Save No Control)
True False

Do you sometimes wish you were born a monster?
True False

If you could transfer all your memories to disk, would you knowing your physical body will die?
True False

If you saw a chance to steal your bestfriend's magical aura making you stronger, would you?
True False

Could you FORGIVE a friend who stole you magical aura?
True False

Do you think of yourself as a leader?
True False

Do you have a love for machines and technical things?
True False

Do you wish you were next in line to asend to the throne of a major country?
True False

Do you wish a portal would open and toss you to a foreign world where you became a hero?
True False

If you had the power to heal people and make their pain your's, would you?
True False

Do you have an arch enemy?
True False

If you devloped feelings for a person and knew in your heart it wouldn't work, would you still try to be with them?
True False

Do you think of your self as somewhat of a ninja personallity?
True False

Are you atleast 18 years old?
True False

Do you feel revenge is the best answer for life's problems?
True False

Do you prefer to be called by your inatials more than your name?
True False

Would you trade in a sword for a staff?
True False

Say your 10 years old, if a country offered to acept you into the army; would you join?
True False

Do you think your parent's lives had a great impact to the world?
True False

Are you sometimes clumsy and non-serious when you think others need a laugh?
True False

Can your evil intents sometimes take the better of your judgements?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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