This quiz tests Are you Far Left, Right or smack in the Middle? 4 Points if Yes, 2.5 Points if No Opinion, 0 Points if No. Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you Far Left, Right or smack in the Middle? by Kyle J. Lindemann.
Test your knowledge of:
4 Points if Yes, 2.5 Points if No Opinion, 0 Points if No.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The size of the Federal Government is too big.
True False

Partial-birth Abortion should be banned. Meaning that it should be illegal for a woman to have an abortion in the final 3 months of pregnancy because the baby can survive and is practicly alive.
True False

Same-sex marriages should be allowed in the United States.
True False

There should more government involvement in Health and Medicare (Socialization)
True False

It is important for the United States to have a Strong National Defense (Strong Military)
True False

Religion and Spirituality should play a more active role in the United States.
True False

Bill Clinton was a better president than Ronald Reagan.
True False

Because of the 2nd Amendment there should not be any more regulations on the sale and use of guns in the U.S.
True False

Affirmative Action should play a more active role in college acceptance and job interviews.
True False

T.V. news programs, magazines and newspapers are dominated by Liberals.
True False

"Roe vs. Wade" should be overturned. Meaning that an abortion in any stage of pregnancy should be illegal because you think Abortion is killing a life.
True False

U.S. Citizens should receive more tax cuts and tax breaks every so often.
True False

"Americans should be able to choose where to send their children to school. Federal education dollars should be made available to parents to use in a school or program of their choice."
True False

The Death Penalty should not continue to be used against criminals in the U.S.
True False

There is nothing wrong with prayer in public schools.
True False

Gays and Lesbians should be allowed into the Military.
True False

Free Trade is important for the U.S. economy
True False

The United States should reduce the amount of foreign aid it gives to other countries.
True False

The continual breakdown of the American Family the biggest problem facing America today.
True False

The government should do more than they already are right now to protect the Environment.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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