This quiz tests Which Canadian Political Party is for you? Bloc Quebecois Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Canadian Political Party is for you? by Liam O'Brien.
Test your knowledge of:
Bloc Quebecois

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Canada needs a strong legislated plan to eliminate the national debt
True False

Canada needs to agressively lower personal income taxes.
True False

Canada needs to agressively lower business taxes.
True False

Free Trade is hurting Canada. We should scale it back.
True False

Long Gun registration is important in cutting violent crime rates.
True False

increasing penalties for those who commit crimes with firearms would do more to end violent crime than a costly long gun registration system.
True False

The Young Offenders act is too weak in dealing with young people who commit violent crimes.
True False

The government of each province should be free to find different cost-effective ways to deliver universally accessible health care including contracting-out.
True False

The government of Canada should work towards having an equal, effective, and somehow elected senate.
True False

The senate should be abolished.
True False

There should be more free votes in the house of commons
True False

Canada should have a national taxpayer-funded pharmacare program.
True False

The Indian Act is archaic and causes inequality and should be eventually phased-out.
True False

There should be no raced-based allocation of liscenses or permits for harvest/use of Canada's natural resources.
True False

The Prime Minister has too much power - this should be changed.
True False

The Federal Government has too much power.
True False

Canada should have a national housing program
True False

There should be more grants and tuition freezes for post secondary students.
True False

The Provinces have too much power.
True False

The regional economic development agencies such as WED, ACOA, and Fednor are very important and must be maintained.
True False

Abortion is a woman's right
True False

Money from any national surplus should be spent on new social programs.
True False

The EI system needs to be further softened to allow for easier access for seasonal workers.
True False

Quebec should seperate from Canada
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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