This quiz tests What color wolf would you be? Black Wolf Black as the darkest midnight, with perhaps, a gray or white streak mixed in. Your personality is unlikeable, very loner, rather than a pack wolf. If you can, you try to be as sharp as possible to most other wolves, warding off any thoughts of friendship...though it doesn't steer all away. You find yourself with perhaps, one or two close friend who share a temperament of the like. Wild Animals Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Wild Animals IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What color wolf would you be? by Meltaina. Test your knowledge of: Black Wolf Black as the darkest midnight, with perhaps, a gray or white streak mixed in. Your personality is unlikeable, very loner, rather than a pack wolf. If you can, you try to be as sharp as possible to most other wolves, warding off any thoughts of friendship...though it doesn't steer all away. You find yourself with perhaps, one or two close friend who share a temperament of the like.
Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.