This quiz tests Which Sort of Crazy Are You? Slightly Mad Entertainment Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Entertainment IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Sort of Crazy Are You? by Saithe Verity.
Test your knowledge of:
Slightly Mad

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like the smell of fresh doom in the morning?
True False

Do you like Polly Shore? (we won't hurt you-much- if you do)
True False

Have you ever got kicked out of a class for talking too much?
True False

Have you ever talked to the people living in your head?
True False

Have you ever talked to the people living in your best friend's head?
True False

Have you ever killed a hobo?
True False

Do you know the true meaning of 'supercalifragalistic'?
True False

Where you lying on the last question?
True False

Have you ever seriously thought of becoming just like Brittany Spears?
True False

Do these pants make me look fat?
True False

Did you ever blame you mistakes on Bigfoot?
True False

Do you take the Weekly World News seriously? (you know you love those Batboy articles)
True False

Have you ever stalked someone you didn't know just for kicks?
True False

Did you tell them about it in advance?
True False

Have you ever questioned 'What is man"?
True False

Is gibberish you native tongue?
True False

Is tinfoil you favourite fashion accesory?
True False

Do you think that the song "Baby Got Back" is the work of a lyrical genious?
True False

Have you watched Hawaii 5-0 in the past few days?
True False

Final Question: Do you like to run around outside naked?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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