This quiz tests Which Vampire wave are you? The third wave: Least powerful of the vampires; but on the upside, their connection with the human world has it's interesting aspects. They tend to hold onto their humanity and still strive to live in both worlds. This has created some interesting scenarios, but luckily they've still managed to remain secretive and respectful of the traditional vampire way of life. Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Vampire wave are you? by Devan Natas.
Test your knowledge of:
The third wave: Least powerful of the vampires; but on the upside, their connection with the human world has it's interesting aspects. They tend to hold onto their humanity and still strive to live in both worlds. This has created some interesting scenarios, but luckily they've still managed to remain secretive and respectful of the traditional vampire way of life.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I want to be away from all mankind (Live kinda like a hermit) Contact with humanity is just a waste of time.
True False

Nobody would tell me from any normal human; I'd blend in perfectly.
True False

I'd probably drink blood more than live off of spiritual energy. It just seems more exciting and intimidating.
True False

Dracula is a cool picture of a vampire. I would love to have those abilities!
True False

I would tend toward the same attitude as "Lestat" from the novels by Anne Rice. (Choose between lestat or Akasha... if you'd be more like Lestat, say yes to this question. If more like Akasha, choose yes in the next question. Don't say either, that's just weird)
True False

... or I'd be more like "Akasha".
True False

I like ritual magick more than just using a mere thought or focussing my will. It's more interesting, fun, and intimidating.
True False

I despise humanity
True False

A war between vampires and humans would be soooo cool! I bet we could repopulate the world with vampires! Okay, so maybe a few humans could stay....
True False

I would travel mostly through portals. (Choose "yes" for either question 10, 11, or 12. Then no for the other 2. Choose whichever would be your main preference)
True False

I would travel mostly by flying.
True False

I would travel largely by conventional means... why attract attention?
True False

I like techology. The world would be lost in the past without it, and that's not really a good thing.
True False

My human life would still be quite important to me. I'd probably still want to be successful in this modern world; if nothing else, I'd like to still carry some of my humanity with me, and stay in contact with the humane way of life.
True False

I could never break off relations with my mortal friends and family.
True False

I'd like to balance power and my normal human life... couldn't I have both?
True False

I think I'd be kinda vampiric at night... and stay mostly "normal" (human-like) during the day
True False

I am (would be) in contact with humans at least once a week.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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