This quiz tests The Wheel of Time Ajah Selector Red Ajah of The Wheel of Time Books Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Books IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Wheel of Time Ajah Selector by Ariana Dreamstar.
Test your knowledge of:
Red Ajah of The Wheel of Time

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you like to learn new things?
True False

Do you love to read?
True False

Do you think men are handy to have around (yes) or the scourge of the earth (no)?
True False

Have you ever done volunteer work?
True False

Have you ever been involved in a protest?
True False

Would you ever be interested in running for office or running someone else's campaign?
True False

Do you often act aloof or superior to others?
True False

Are you introverted or uninterested in other people?
True False

Do you have a hot temper?
True False

Do you consider yourself particularly confrontational?
True False

Do you consider yourself particularly compassionate?
True False

If you were out hiking with friends, and one of them fell and hurt herself, would you be the one to administer first aid (yes) or run for help (no)?
True False

When an argument breaks out, do you mediate and compromise (yes) or take sides (no)?
True False

Have you ever wanted to be a librarian?
True False

Do you feel called to protect others?
True False

Do you feel like you just can't stand to see others in pain?
True False

Do you make friends easily?
True False

Do things that are old or ancient fascinate you?
True False

Do you like weapons, fighting, battle strategy, or martial arts?
True False

Are you very tactful or subtle when dealing with others?
True False

Do you ever ponder the nature of reality?
True False

When faced with a problem, do you always choose the most logical solution?
True False

Do you have a messy or cluttered room?
True False

Are you particularly fashion-conscious?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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