This quiz tests Battle Royale Character Selector! Motobuchi Movies Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Movies IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Battle Royale Character Selector! by gureisu.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

First off, are you a girl (yes) or a guy (no)?
True False

What about appearances? Do you think you're cute (yes) or so-so looking (no)?
True False

Would you kill a friend?
True False

Would you kill out of revenge?
True False

Would you kill for the fun of it?
True False

Do you think killing is wrong?
True False

Would you rather kill yourself or die fighting (against the people who set up the game) than parttake in such a primitive game?
True False

Are you a leader type?
True False

Are you an outcast? Do people hate you?
True False

Are you a slut?
True False

Do you suffer from any mental illnesses? (depression, paranoia, etc)
True False

Do you hold crushes on people for a long time and never tell them 'til the last minute when it's too late?
True False

Do you find yourself crushing over people who are probably too cute for you?
True False

Do you find yourself crushing over people who everyone thinks isn't cute?
True False

Do cute people frequently crush over you? (If not, don't flatter yourself)
True False

Do ugly people frequently crush over you?
True False

Do you find yourself frequently stuck in love triangles?
True False

Are you sentimental?
True False

Are you a loner?
True False

Do you work for everything you get and expect that your hard work will pay off tremendously?
True False

Do you go to school (yes) or are you just working (no)?
True False

Do people frequently comment about how lacking you are in personal hygene?
True False

Do people or yourself comment about how pathetic you are?
True False

In the end, you'll be dead..
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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