This quiz tests Democrat or Republican? Democratic Party Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Democrat or Republican? by Heath H. Whittamore.
Test your knowledge of:
Democratic Party

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

An amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be made to get rid of the Electoral College.
True False

Term limits should exist for the President of the U.S. and U.S. Congress persons.
True False

School vouchers create competition and will improve the school system. They should be implemented.
True False

The most important rights given go U.S. citizens are those given by the first amendment of the Constitution.
True False

Weapons of mass desctruction are too dangerous and should be eliminated, provided that other countries eliminate theirs too.
True False

The United States government should give grants explore alternative sources of power other than oil.
True False

Participation in the armed forces should be voluntary (no draft).
True False

The United States should have no tarriffs on imported goods, and should practice free trade.
True False

The Federal Government is too large and needs to be reduced.
True False

Women should have the right to have an abortion.
True False

There should be a Constitutional amendment prohibiting burning of the flag of the United States.
True False

The death pentalty should be used as punishment of criminals indisputably guilty of violent crimes.
True False

Rather than spend more money on prisons, programs that adjust criminals to normal life should be instituted.
True False

In the United States too much of the wealth is held by too few people.
True False

Homosexuals should have the right to legal marriages.
True False

Affirmative action and status quo programs should be eliminated.
True False

The United States spends too much of the federal budget on entitlement programs.
True False

The United States should be more involved in the actions of the United Nations.
True False

There should be a limit to the amount of time a person can collect welfare payments.
True False

The United States should spend less money on foreign aid.
True False

The defense budget is too high and much of it is unnecesary. Defense spending should be cut.
True False

Peaceful people should be allowed to freely borders into the United States.
True False

The federal government should institute a flat tax for individuals and businesses.
True False

The United States government should spend less money on subsidizing oil costs.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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