This quiz tests What type of Groupie are you? OBSESSED GROUPIE-- - You see your favorite rock star you freeze up, you think of him as a Greek GOD not a HUMAN, you spend too much time starring at his photos and putting him on a pedestal.He will alway's treat you as a fan because of this. Entertainment Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Entertainment IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What type of Groupie are you? by TestResults.
Test your knowledge of:
OBSESSED GROUPIE-- - You see your favorite rock star you freeze up, you think of him as a Greek GOD not a HUMAN, you spend too much time starring at his photos and putting him on a pedestal.He will alway's treat you as a fan because of this.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You show up at your fav rocker's home or hotel uninvited?
True False

Your favorite rock star who you hooked up with alway's invite's you to his show?
True False

You have given money to your favorite rock star?
True False

You had sex with roadies to meet your favorite rock star?
True False

You had sex with your favorite rock star, woke up, and said "I got things to do call me later bye"?
True False

You never met a rock star?
True False

You have a collection of articles and photo's you stare at daily of your favorite rock star?
True False

You told your favorite rock star who you sometime's screw that you love him?
True False

You don't take any rock star's seriously?
True False

A rock star told you he has no disease and you believed him?
True False

You had sex with a rock star in front of other's?
True False

You never call your fav rock star you let him do the calling?
True False

You think your fav rock star who you never met is your friend cause he emails you?
True False

You waited for hours to meet your favorite rock star
True False

You call up your fav rock star listen to his voice and hang up the phone often?
True False

You never pay to get into a show?
True False

Your favorite rock star told you that your special you believed him?
True False

You let the band gang bang you?
True False

Your favorite rock star calls and says he wants to see you hes in town, and you said where are we going to dinner?
True False

You have met your favorite rock star and he showed no interest in having sex with you?
True False

You often say about a certain rock star "________ is my soulmate?
True False

You are now blocked from Instant message of your fav rock star?
True False

You would have sex anywhere with your favorite rock star?
True False

You have taken a rock star's cum and tried putting it inside of you to impregnant yourself?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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