This quiz tests Super Smash Bros. Meele Selector! Ice climbers Video Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Video Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Super Smash Bros. Meele Selector! by Angel Wolf Rinny.
Test your knowledge of:
Ice climbers

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you loud, but with a good heart? (yes) Or more quiet and mature? (no)
True False

Are you.....Eeeeevil? o.0
True False

Evil turned good?
True False

Are you part of an organization or anything?
True False

Older than you really look?
True False

Whats better, Swords or Guns? (Swords yes, Guns No)
True False

Are you a child?
True False

Are you royalty?
True False

You you ever have a feeling to burn sumthing? You pyromaniac you.....
True False

Haveya ever gone on many quests?
True False

Are you a pink loving weirdo?
True False

Do you like working as a team with someone?
True False

Do people often confuse you as someone of the opposite gender? O.o
True False

Whats better, Blue,Red,or Gold. (blue is yes, red no, gold either, dont ask)
True False

Do you like pasta by any chance?
True False

Do you say, "Minna, Mite Kure!", "Jono Jivu, Jonovista", "Moto hintru kininethra", or "Kune feteo esta eh" at akward times?
True False

How about, "Kushita Kamata", "Senu venta kodigigah" or "Mataorena Makeareni!"
True False

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you dont or do know?
True False

Was your father murdered by someone evil?
True False

At a young age were you suddenly confronted with a dangerous journey?
True False

Are you even human?
True False

Is pink good? Or must it burn? (pink is good yes, it must burn no)
True False

Do you have a problem so badly that you haveta steal princesses?
True False

If evil, do you constantly wonder why the good guys can always drain your life of what, 160000000000 and yet you cant kill their 9999 or whatever?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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