This quiz tests What's Your Tier Threat Level if You Go Void? Low Astroid Horror Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Horror IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What's Your Tier Threat Level if You Go Void? by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:
Low Astroid

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you out for revenge?
True False

Are you an immensely LARGE person?
True False

Could you get to the point that you would harm anyone?
True False

Are you keen on blades?
True False

How about bunt force objects?
True False

True False

Do you... BITE?
True False

Are you prone to legalism?
True False

Do you know how to exploit and entice others?
True False

Are you socially shunned?
True False

Are you or were you part of something bigger than you?
True False

Are you a gun enthusiast?
True False

Do you like to dance?
True False

Introverted (Yes) or extroverted (No)?
True False

Is your body in a way misshapen?
True False

Has the WORST thing, in your thought process, has or could happen?
True False

Have you ever gone through sleep paralysis?
True False

Are you or were you a juvenile delinquent?
True False

Are you classified as someone with special needs, no matter how acute?
True False

Are you a mute?
True False

Martial arts?
True False

Are you a pyromaniac?
True False

Are animals more relatable to you than humans?
True False

Can you punch over 900 and/or kick 800 on the Boxing Arcade Machine?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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