cityiizchars knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Troy Polk - You are a Insane Demon Cat...

  2. Kasandra Darkblood - You are a Happygo...

  3. Mixis Floyd - You are a Red Fox Who we...

  4. E.Y.O - You are a Robot/Echina who isn...

  5. F.O.L Darkblood - Your a White Fox wi...

  6. Mellisa Silver - You are a Purple Cat ...

  7. Raz Matazz - You are a Purple Squirrel...

  8. Tim, Angel Of Death - You are a Green ...

  9. Lizzy Prowers - You are a Red Fox with...

  10. Chris Silver - You are a Small Orange ...

  11. Janpurais Sander - Your a Blue Dog Who...

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Which Cityiiz Character are You?

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