TortureMethods knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Punishing shoes

  2. The Pear

  3. Heretics fork

  4. Quartering by the horses

  5. Dunking stool

  6. The Rack

  7. The boots

  8. Cats claw

  9. Water Torture

  10. Soul cleansing

  11. Iron Maiden

  12. Head Crusher

  13. Burning at the Stake

  14. Disembowelment

  15. Interrogation Chair

  16. Impalement

  17. Breaking with the Wheel

  18. The Saw

  19. Judas Cradle

  20. Hanging cage

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Survive This

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