MonkeyInMyNuts knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Saiya-jin: You poor poor person you...

  2. Elf: You tree hugging hippie!

  3. Dwarf: Chicks with beards? No wonder y

  4. Dragon: erm... no comment.

  5. Gnome: Run away! Run away!

  6. Human: I don't know if this is worse t...

  7. Drow: You scare me

  8. Vampire: Live it up man! You're dead!

  9. Pixie: You're the one who put nougat i

  10. Mutt: No one can tell quite what the h

  11. Demon: You're pure evil... and you lov...

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What species are you?

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