Gameatic knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Dycedarg

  2. Zalbag

  3. Alma

  4. Ramza

  5. Delita

  6. Teta

  7. Algus

  8. Elmdor

  9. Larg

  10. Goltana

  11. Besrodio

  12. Mustadio

  13. Vormav

  14. Izlude

  15. T.G Cid

  16. Simon

  17. Funeral

  18. King Omdolia

  19. Queen Ruvelia

  20. Olan

  21. Draclau

  22. Agrias

  23. Princess Ovelia

  24. St. Ajora

  25. Germonik

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Which character are you on Final Fantasy Tactics Selector

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